Deposisi Akta Imigresen dan Merakamkan Keterangan Akta Anti Pemerdagangan Orang

1. Okay, just a quick reminder.

2. Bagi mangsa yang terlibat dalam kes-kes di bawah Akta Imigresen 1959/63 atau Akta Anti Pemerdagangan Orang dan Anti Penyeludupan Migran 2007, terdapat 2 keadaan yang berbeza bagi mahkamah untuk mengambil deposisi atau merekodkan keterangannya.

3. Bagi kes di bawah Akta Imigresen, ia digelar "deposisi" yang mana keterangan mangsa direkodkan di hadapan Hakim Mahkamah Sesyen, dan tanpa kehadiran peguam mahupun tertuduh sendiri. Ini bermakna, deposisi berkenaan diambil tanpa pemeriksaan balas mangsa atau kredibiliti keterangan mangsa tidak dicabar. Dan akhirnya, apabila tiba perbicaraan penuh, deposisi berkenaan boleh dikemukakan kepada mahkamah dan ia seharusnya diambil sebagai keterangan prima facie daripada mangsa berkenaan.

4. Seksyen 40A Akta Imigresen menyatakan bahawa:

(1) Notwithstanding anything contained in this Act and any written law to the contrary, where in any proceeding for any offence under this Act a testimony of any person in respect of whom an order for removal from Malaysia has been made by the Director General under section 32, 33 and 56(2) is required by the court, there shall be admissible in evidence before that court any deposition relating to the subject matter of that proceeding made by that person-
(a) in Malaysia before a Sessions Court Judge or a Magistrate in the presence or absence of the person charged with the offence; or
(b) outside Malaysia before a consular officer or a judicial officer of a foreign country in the presence or absence of the person charged with the offence,
and any such deposition shall, without further proof, be admitted as prima facie evidence of any fact stated in the deposition.

(2) It shall not be necessary for any party in any proceeding to prove the signature or official character of the Sessions Court Judge, Magistrate, consular officer or judicial officer before whom the deposition under subsection (1) was made.

(3) For the purposes of this section, a reference to-
(a) a "deposition" includes any written statement made upon oath; and
(b)an "oath" includes an affirmation or declaration in the case of persons allowed by law to affirm or declare instead of swear.

(4) Nothing in this section shall prejudice the admission as evidence of any other depositions.

5. Berbeza dengan merekodkan keterangan atau "recording of evidence" di bawah Akta Anti Pemerdagangan Orang tadi. Semasa keterangan mangsa direkodkan, yang mana ia dijalankan seolah-olah perbicaraan penuh sedang dijalankan dengan tertuduh atau peguamnya harus menyertai sidang tersebut. Mangsa boleh dicabar melalui pemeriksaan balas dan keterangan ini akan dinilai di akhir kes pihak pendakwaan samaada satu kes prima facie telah dibuktikan ke atas tertuduh bagi membolehkannya dipanggil untuk membela diri atau sebaliknya.

6. Untuk mudah memahaminya, berikut adalah petikan seksyen 52 Akta Anti Pemerdagangan Orang 2007 tersebut:

(1) At any time during the period of the Protection Order made under subparagraph 51(3)(a)(ii), where a criminal prosecution has been instituted against any person for an offence under this Act, the Public Prosecutor may make an oral application for the production of the trafficked person before a Sessions Court before which the criminal prosecution has been instituted for the purpose of recording that trafficked person's evidence on oath.
(2) The Sessions Court Judge may, upon such application, issue a summons or order directed to the person in charge of the place of refuge where such trafficked person is placed, requiring him to produce the trafficked person at the time and place specified in the summons or order.
(3) The Sessions Court Judge shall record the evidence of the trafficked person and complete such recording within seven days from the date of the production of that trafficked person before him.
(4) In the course of the recording of evidence of the trafficked person, he shall be examined in accordance with the provisions of the Evidence Act 1950.

(5) The Sessions Court Judge shall cause the evidence taken by him to be reduced into writing and, at the end of that writing, shall sign the same.
(6) Notwithstanding anything contained in this Act or any other written laws to the contrary, the evidence recorded under this section shall be admissible in evidence in any proceedings under this Act and the weight to be attached to such evidence shall be the same as that of a witness who appears and gives evidence in the course of a proceeding.

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